Sunday, August 13, 2006


It's been a good week for getting stuff done around here. Yesterday the monkey and I went at the workshop and managed to clear a bunch of floor. We got rid of things, stored things away and just generally made great progress. I'm hoping he'll get a little bit more done while I'm away. I can actually see and get to most of my larger equiptment in the shop. This is major. I grin like an idiot every time I think about it.
With the Vogue program done for the time being, I knit a sweater that I really wanted to. I'm not thrilled with the finished product. It's too short and too wide, but the construction was interesting and now I know how to make it in a a way that I would wear it, so it's not a total loss.

I also did a sample for my friend's shop. Cute cotton little kid's sweater. Hope she likes it. Aurora may wind up getting one of these too. Since the sizes start at one year, I've got some time. I started Bee's Knees Ruby for her in what we're calling Kermit green and hope to get it done while I'm away. These spinning courses are pretty exhausting though, so I may not get much else done.

Had a great time with Holly last weekend. We went to the button store, Daiso (the Japanese $2 store), yarn stores and almost made it out to the marker in the middle of the bay. Poor Holly, seems every time we get together, she gets dragged on some long walk ( also known as enforced death marches). If you see her, ask her about The Great Bowen Chocolate March of Doom. Anyhow, much great food was consumed and the time just flew by. She even got a tour of the Stash's new home. She assured me it wasn't that bad and I could still buy more yarn.
And "hi" to my KSKS pal. I'm away till next Saturday, but the monkey will let me know if the kit comes in the meantime (I still can't wait). And I'll email and blog about it when I get back. I'm sure it will come now that I'm going to be out of town!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Holly's link doesn't work.

Where are you going? Spinning classes? OMG, I want to go to spinning classes this week, too.

Cute, cute baby ensemble!

Anonymous said...

Wow, a spinning course - I want to go too!! Have fun.

The package is taking longer than the post office said it would. I hope it's ok. Although you are right, it'll probably come the first day you are away!

Your KSKS Pal

Anonymous said...

Your sweater is absolutely amazing, fantastic design - and I so love the baby ensemble, it's so very cute! I'm really impressed by your work!